Humid weather is annoying. Not only does the clothes stay dry for a few days, but many items in the home will be damp and deteriorate. Therefore, appropriate measures will be taken to protect those items that need to be dried, such as moisture-proof beads, which are often used in quilts and clothes. Li, calligraphy and painting, but it is not needed everywhere. I think some friends don’t understand this. Today, the editor of Shenzhen Mingwei Industrial will teach you the correct way to use moisture-proof beads:

In summer, the clothes and furniture in the closet are easily damp and moldy, and so are the calligraphy and painting. Here is a reminder that you need to collect the calligraphy and painting correctly:
1. It should be placed flat, not upright
2. It should be placed in a calligraphy and painting box, and should not be bundled with other calligraphy and painting at will
3. Expensive calligraphy and paintings should not be stored for a long time, and you can take them out occasionally to see
4. Paintings should not be placed in rooms and utility rooms with coal stoves
Moisture-proof beads are widely used in the food industry because of their good moisture absorption properties. In addition, the moisture-proof beads in food bags can also be used as fertilizers for plants. Therefore, moisture-proof beads are not only moisture-proof, but can also be applied to other industries. .