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Why does desiccant heat up?

Popularity:643 Time:2021-09-29 11:48:47
Why does desiccant heat up? According to Mingwei Industrial, there are many kinds of materials for desiccant, but no matter what kind of material it is, what it has in common is to absorb moisture. Among the various desiccant materials, most of them will react with water to release heat, the difference is the amount of heat.

The first category is silica gel desiccants used for moisture prevention in food and medicine. Its main advantages are non-toxic, odorless, non-corrosive, stable in shape, and good moisture absorption capacity. It is quite common in recent years. Silica gel desiccants will also release moisture when they absorb moisture. A small amount of heat, but not as strong as quicklime desiccant.

There is also a type of quicklime desiccant, which is also used as a food desiccant. The main reason is that it is cheap and has strong water absorption. Lime desiccant will emit a lot of heat when it meets water. Note that it is possible to reach the point of explosion, but generally two conditions must be met: one is to generate a lot of heat, and the other is to be in a sealed space. Lime heats up when exposed to water, heating the air in the bottle, and the air expands to a certain extent, and the bottle will burst.